TFEM Website leaderboard


Walking above the clouds

Germany-based Filipina expat Undine Homena-Lasater is an avid mountaineer, who has no plans of climbing Mont Blanc nor the Mt. Everest. “I wouldn’t call myself a mountaineer. I am an outdoors person…

MiaDiandaDIL 1421
Mia Caram Dianda: Making Life Better for Children in Oklahoma

Filipino behavioral therapist Mia Caram Dianda founded Advanced Behavioral Solutions, a company to help children with autism in Oklahoma, proving that you can make the world a better place no matter where…

Aina Dumlao
The Unusual Suspects: Aina Dumlao

Filipina-American actress and producer Aina Dumlao of SBS Australia´s The Unusual Suspects wants to inspire Filipinos to stand up and give their dreams a try. Filipino-American actress Aina Dumlao doesn’t easily back…

Auckland is also called City of Sails because of its numerous ports
Expat Living: Auckland, New Zealand

A native of Aklan found herself in Auckland, New Zealand, among 72,000 Filipinos living there. She is not planning on leaving anymore. Coming to New Zealand was purely accidental. I had never…

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