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MANICALM: One Artful Journey Through Emotions Extreme By Jolyn Rita Bugarin

MANICALM: One Artful Journey Through Emotions Extreme By Jolyn Rita Bugarin


Manicalm combines art and practical exercises to offer a unique and engaging way to understand and manage emotional experiences.

Exploring Emotional Duality Through Art

Manicalm by Jolyn Rita Bugarin offers an exploration of human emotions through art. The book juxtaposes the intense, vibrant feelings of “manic” with the serene, calming aspects of “calm,” creating a nuanced understanding of emotional experiences.


Manicalm goes beyond being a visual experience; it is a practical tool for emotional well-being. The book integrates QR codes that direct readers to activities and resources. These features support reflection, healing, and personal growth, offering a hands-on approach to engaging with the themes explored in the book.

“Manicalm is a book meant to be shared with the reader through
collaborations making more than mine, but ours.”

– Jolyn Rita Bugarin, author
unnamed 1

This interactive approach invites readers to engage deeply with their emotional landscapes.

About the Author/Artist

Jolyn Rita Bugarin is also the founder of Mindfulist Media
(, a platform dedicated to fostering personal restoration through creative content and moral integrity. Mindfulist Media aims to create supportive environments for emotional and mental well-being.

See Also

For more details and to purchase Manicalm, visit Snap Collective.
MANICALM purchase link
Media Contact:
Lola Abrera, Publishing Agent –

Snap Collective Rita
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