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instagramvsrealityARA 1
Reality bites: living and traveling in Europe

Dreaming of living and traveling in Europe? A Filipina expat discovered that her European dream is a little different than how she imagined it to be. I read somewhere that a crush…

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Meet Chriztel Renae Aceveda, the Filipino singing teen winning the hearts of Croatians

With her rendition of the folk song  “Dej mi Bože, Filipino teen Chriztel Renae Aceveda wins the hearts of Croatians at the country’s Supertalent show. In a historic moment in the show,…

puto at dinuguan
Column: Living without puto and dinuguan

Can you imagine life without Filipino food? As a Filipino expat living in Kenya, where Pinoy food is not readily available, our columnist Agatha Verdadero has learned to embrace the local cuisine,…

Auckland is also called City of Sails because of its numerous ports
Expat Living: Auckland, New Zealand

A native of Aklan found herself in Auckland, New Zealand, among 72,000 Filipinos living there. She is not planning on leaving anymore. Coming to New Zealand was purely accidental. I had never…

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