TFEM Website leaderboard


Work diversity Christina
Culture shock: Kenya and work culture

A Filipina teacher deals with culture shock after she landed a top job in a Kenya’s college with values that didn’t not align to hers. Agatha Verdadero writes from Kenya. When a…

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Harvard’s CORe: Quality and accessible online education

TFEM’s Managing Editor spent one summer taking Harvard Business School Online’s CORe programme. A review of how an online course can be a tool to further education. Until moving to the Netherlands…

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Expat Living: Khartoum, Sudan

In Sudan, temperatures can go up 49 degrees Celsius, yet around 300 Filipinos work and live here. A Filipina teacher tells us her experiences as an expat living in Khartoum, Sudan. Working…

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The unwanted call

We, the displaced Filipinos abroad, harbor some fears as we go through our lives outside our beautiful islands. What are the things migrants fear? Losing our jobs? Our passport? Our cellphone? Afraid…

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